I remember a girl when I was in high school. She had her nose pierced, and her family didn't watch tv. Let's see, this was in 1979, or maybe 1980, in Indiana. I liked her as a person, but I couldn't understand the no tv thing. What did she do?
Now I am the one who doesn't watch tv. When I left NYC almost six years ago I stopped watching cable. Mostly because I didn't want to pay for it. When the broadcast stations went digital last year, I stopped watching tv all together. Now my tv is in storage in georgia, I'm not even watching movies.
I used to be a news junkie. Then I met someone who refused to watch the news. That was a long time ago, but now I also notice that my life hasn't changed because I don't know what is going on in the koreas. I only mention that because I watched the news today about the artillery skirmish.
Today I watched the news several times, read the news, watched a couple sitcoms. And now I've just had enough. I don't feel any particular way about my family watching tv, it just isn't for me. I notice that I stop thinking when I watch. I identify with the characters in the shows and start feeling the emotions they feel. Except they aren't real, they are playing their roles, which are written to keep people watching, and so there is a kind of positive feedback system going where writers write to the emotions of their audience, and the audience watches what excites them the most.
I know that's an oversimplification, and really the thing that bothers me the most is getting my emotions from identifying with an actor, instead of interacting with the people around me. I am calmer, more stable, than I used to be, and I have more meaningful friendships.
I'm not saying anyone should stop watching tv, but I wonder what the world would be like if they did?
It is nice to be with family. I wish all my family could be in the same place at the same time. It is nice to sleep indoors, to eat without worring where I will poop in a few hours. I can drink as much water as I want because there is a bathroom no more than 20 m from me at all times. And that's good because I have some chest congestion and need to flush it out.
And also, I like my spartan lifestyle. I am happy where I am, and where I am going. My friend leaves Monday. That means I will see her again for a minute. Then I need to figure out where I will bivouac next. Someday it will be on a sailboat, and I will be figuring out where I will anchor next.
I am really happy to be with family, I don't resent them in the least for their success, quite the opposite, I am happy they have the comfort they do. And I am not worried about going back to my truck. I have a very good life. I think I am a good man. And I pray that I can continue to love and not resent, not hurt, not be jealous.
Tommorow is thanksgiving, my favorite holiday. I like to celebrate it everyday. Cold breezes tonight in philly, but I can't see the sky from my bed, I hope you sleep well tonight too.