Sunday, February 26, 2012

The american dream

I had a severe American experience tonight. Tonight, the words "Don't tread on me" came into my life with a force I haven't experienced to date.

Believe it or not, my new hatian roommate came to me and essentially said, "look, these sicilians are going to run all over us if we don't make a stand". Our new roommate brought three friends who think that they have equal access to the apartment. The shower, the kitchen, the storage space, and the three of them are sleeping in a tiny Audi outside the apartment.

I saw it a day or two ago, but I've been working, and I figured there's no way they can make it more than two weeks. But my hatian friend, who is not working at the momemt, see's them come in and use the bathroom, pile their stuff up in the corners, and he's a little perturbed about the situation. So he overcomes his hatred of me and asks me to unleash a little whoopass on our new intruders.... just like I did on him and my other friend, john, the guy from arkansas, only two weeks ago...

Basically the situation is this; three adult men are supposed to share an approximately 450 sq. ft. space. We currently have six men in that space. One guy moved in and thought it would be okay to bring his three other friends. Really it isn't okay with the two of us who have found a way to pay our rents by ourselves. And despite all the friction between us in the last two weeks, we recognize that if we don't say something together, these six guys are going to run all over us and our personal space. We decided that we have the right to live in peace and to have a minimal amount of privacy.

So, what were the words? "Peace, prosperity, and the pursuit of happiness"? F**K yes, that is what we fought and died for, over 200 years ago, and I will be damned if I will let that essential freedom go by the wayside because I want to make my neighbor happy. I lived in my truck for four months, I lived in restuarant hell for as long, and another eight months to pay my dues to get to the point where I can save a little money. I have been here, in paradise, for almost two years, and I am finally making do.

The American dream is not that you come to this country and people fall over themselves to make you rich. The American Dream is that if you come here, and you work hard and smart, you can make a life for your CHILDREN. Not necessarily for your spoiled-ass self. DO SOMETHING FOR SOMEONE OTHER THAN YOUR self!


Life is not about you. It isn't about ME. It is about taking care of others. Being a man means being a husband... helping something, or someone grow. Ask yourself who you feed. And please be honest with your answer. If you lie, you cheat yourself.

I may be totally off base here, but I think this is what my forefathers had in mind. I have never felt so american in my life, even though I have lived here all of my life. We made this country by making friends with others. Why do we now try so hard to exclude them?

P.S. the photo is of my favorite gay bar. Don't hate anyone.

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